Click Here to Purchase Tickets and Sponsorships

Along with live music, top shelf drinks, savory foods, delicious desserts, and the hospitality we are known for, this event will feature a silent auction, 50/50 raffle, door prizes, a casino night, long drive contest, sharp shooter competition, and more.

Recognizing that our parish is a connecting point for many of the wonderful charitable organizations throughout our county we are bringing these great causes together at the same place and time for a wonderful evening of support for the incredible work being done all around us.

In addition to sharing ticket revenues with our wonderful partner organizations we are also sharing the revenues from the raffle and casino games 50/50, and sponsorships and silent auction 90/10.

We believe that with God’s grace and our cooperation that within five years this event can provide over $100,000 to the venerable charitable causes throughout our county.

Plan to join us with your family and friends for a beautiful night of celebration and support of worthy causes throughout Pasco County.  Be sure to come this year so that five years from now you can tell your friends that you have been supporting the premier gala of Pasco County from day one.

Date: Friday, April 25, 2025

Time: Doors open at 7:00 p.m.

Location: Kontos Hall at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 9426 Little Road, New Port Richey, Fl 34654

Tickets: Click here to buy tickets and sponsorships online.  Or call the parish office 727-868-5911 to reserve and pay by check or cash.

Sponsorships: To sponsor $1,000 or more, or to donate items for the silent auction valued at $250 or more contact Roula Papapanos at 727-967-9684 or submit completed commitment forms to

Sponsorship Commitment Form

Silent Auction Commitment Form


How can I support the Gala?  Come and have fun. Of course its more fun with friends so we encourage you to bring a civically minded friend with you as your guest. Additionally, you can consider a sponsorship or donating a silent auction item valued at $250 or more that will support the charitable partner of your choice.

Who are your charitable partners?  A complete list of charitable partners can be found below.

Are Children Allowed?  This is a black tie optional event, no discounts are given for children. Some particularly mature children may appreciate being a part of the evening. Parents are encouraged to use their own discretion.

Why the Rush?  We put this idea together mid-march and did not want to wait an entire year to put it into action. We are going to put on a truly memorable evening in just five weeks this year. Just imagine how much fun and support for our community we will be able to accomplish all together next year.

Will Dinner Be Served?  We will have hot and cold appetizer stations, passed hors d’oeuvres, dessert stations (yes, Greek desserts too), and a food truck at the end of the night. You will not leave hungry, and you won’t be stuck in your seat for three hours listening to speeches waiting for banquet chicken.

Event Partners

Diakonia Retreat Center

Farrell Cares

The Greek Children's Fund of Florida

Pasco Kids First

Philoptochos of St. George, our women's philanthropic auxiliary group

United Way Pasco County

West Pasco Pregnancy Center

Event Sponsors

Chris and Roula Papapanos, Gold Sponsor

Erik's Eatery, Silver Sponsor

R&E Creations, Silver Sponsor

Tony and Mary Ann Saravanos, Silver Sponsor

Dn. Vasilios and Pamela Yacalis, Silver Sponsor

Silent Auction Donors and Contributors

Austere Outfitters

Frank, the Massage Whisperer at Mia's Therapeutics

Georgette's Skincare


Demetrios and Eleni Kosteas

Fr. Andrew and Caroline Pavlakos

Patricia Rodana


“To the Ends of the Earth” comes from Psalm 19 and is a reflection of the universality of God’s love. While our gala is focused on the needs of our county, it is not limited to one area or another, it is for the benefit of all. We have started by partnering with community organizations and charities that we have an existing relationship with, but we would love to bring more of the wonderful groups throughout Pasco County together.

This theme is especially timely for us as a host community as the feast day of St. George always follows our celebration of Pascha (Easter) when we remember the Resurrection of Jesus Christ not only as a historical event, but also as the means of restoration of all of creation.

A Prayer for Our County

Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good works in our county, and those who remember the poor. Reward them with Your rich and heavenly gifts. Grant them in return for earthly things, heavenly gifts; for temporal, eternal; for corruptible, incorruptible. Remember, Lord, this county and all those in public and non-profit service whom you have allowed to lead on earth. Grant them profound and lasting peace. Speak to their hearts good things concerning all your people that through the faithful conduct of their duties we may live peaceful and serene lives in all piety and holiness. Sustain the good in their goodness; make the wicked good through Your goodness.